Access the WAS Console From HCL Portal Server

Posted on Apr 25, 2024 (last modified Jun 1, 2021)

WebSphere Portal LogoUp to Portal version 5.1, you could not access the WebSphere Application Server administration console from Portal. You had to have your WAS server running separately. Now, you no longer have to have WAS running separately and you can access the WAS console directly from the Portal Server. Following is a URL you can try, which might work:


You might also try the following URL, which is what I've been using with a Docker/Kubernetes image from HCL:


In some installations, ports may differ. To find your WAS admin console port, you can check your serverindex.xml file.

On my local development environment (Docker container), that file is located at: /opt/HCL/wp_profile/config/cells/dockerCell/nodes/dockerNode/serverindex.xml.

In that file, you might try looking for endPointName="WC_adminhost" or endPointName="WC_adminhost_secure". For example, in my development environment, I found the following, which confirms port 10041, but in your environment, you may find a different value there to use:

<specialEndpoints xmi:id="NamedEndPoint_1607793695380" endPointName="WC_adminhost_secure"> <endPoint xmi:id="EndPoint_1607793695380" host="*" port="10041"/> </specialEndpoints>