How to Use Live Boolean in ZBrush

Posted on Apr 22, 2018 (last modified Jun 2, 2021)

Live Boolean allows you to perform real-time boolean operations with subtools in ZBrush.

Click the button to enable “Live Boolean”.

The object you boolean needs to be a polymesh 3d.

In the subtools palette, click “Append” to add a new subtool and choose a primitive such as a sphere.

At first, the new subtool will have the same bounding box, so, you may not be able to see it. You can click move and move the subtool (transform it), until you can see it…

Now you can use the options for cutting into or intersection…

Cut into…


You can “bake” the result by going to Boolean in the Subtools palette and click “Make Boolean Mesh”. This bakes the boolean operation and puts the baked tool into the Tools palette (which you could Append as a new subtool into the subtools palette if you want to).
